I’ve been looking online for new free spanking stories to review and coming up empty lately. Now of course I can find stories by some of the authors I’ve already reviewed on this site, but I was looking for some new sites and new authors.
It seems to me like M/F spanking stories are getting harder to find. I see a lot more F/F, M/M and F/M spanking stories. I’m not sure if this is a new trend or just that these sites have gained popularity and are coming up higher in the search engines when I’m googling for stories.
Another thing I’m noticing is a lot more spanking stories with a strong D/s or bdsm theme. I’m not opposed to these stories, but sometimes I just want a spanking story without the extra intensity of bdsm. Domestic discipline spanking stories are another type I’d love to find more of to review here.
So, have any of you read a good spanking story lately? I want to read it! Leave a comment and let me know the link. Thanks!